With you every step of the way
We work with you to develop architectural designs that realise your aspirations and help you to get them built. We can be with you every step of the way to offer you guidance and assistance to make sure you get the project of your dreams.
We provide architectural services through all of the RIBA work stages; from drawing up initial concept sketches to preparing planning applications, producing technical drawings and documents, to working with you and your builder during construction. If required the services can be tailored to your specific project, please contact us to find out more.
We understand that it is unlikely that our clients have been through the process before, so we know how important it is for us to guide our clients from start through to finish.
Integrated sustainable design
We believe that sustainability should be integral to the design process right from the very beginning and through every step. At the earliest stage we can produce a retrofit assessment, utilising PHPP software, that can pinpoint weaknesses of the existing building and inform the strategies for how to deal with them.
Having a trained Passivhaus designer and retrofit consultant we have the skills and knowledge available to help guide you through the decisions necessary for a successful retrofit project. We can assist you whether you are just looking to make your home warmer and more comfortable or you are seeking to meet the very highest standards for energy efficiency and pursue Passivhaus certification.
We can also help you consider the impact of the materials chosen for construction. This is known as the embodied energy, which accounts for the energy taken to produce, manufacture and deliver the materials and products selected.